Soft parenting is the act of fostering an extended and overly dependent psychology in children by the parents, teachers, media, and whole adult community around them. It is an epidemic coming out of our own addictions and the codependent behaviors we adhere to in order to try to protect our addictions (at all costs). In order to hide or deflect the guilt and remorse and lack of control we have over our own ego-based patterns, we allow for a very unstructured, unregulated, permissive growth environment for our children.
At the same time, our schools and media have been channeled into honing in their role as promoters of oppressive, mind-numbing agents of economic brainwashing as unbridled (over-)consumerism and addiction-building have become their true agenda. Ever since 1805 when the Prussian state began funding the idea of a creating a state-controlled school system that would create, solidify, and perpetuate social stratification; ever since a very excited New England aristocrat by the name of Horace Mann brought these Prussian ideas in front of a group of "captains of industry" with the promise of creating a work force for the new-fangled manufacturing mills or "factories"; ever since the court/legal system allowed to stand as legal precedent an opinion in the headnotes (a summation of a case and the opinions of the Supreme Court justices that usually presents itself on the cover or first page of a case decision document that is not even written by a Supreme Court member) on a 1888 Supreme Court decision claiming that "corporations are people"; ever since the ultra-rich Darwin-influenced eugenicists like John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford realized that their money could help form the education system the way they wanted; ever since research institutes funded by Rockefeller, Ford and other "philanthropic" foundations discovered that education presented them with a tool for creating a society of consumer-workers; ever since the anti-Johnson/Civil Rights New Republicans devised a new economic system in which debt would serve as a form of 'legalized' slavery--one that would ensnare a much larger proportion of the American work force than ever before (credit, debt, inflating all prices while pay/wages remained on a slow flat-lined rise), ever since Reagan and Stockwell tricked us with their baseless "trickle down" economics; ever since Bill Clinton's Demopublicans created GATT and NAFTA and allowed for the creation of the WTO so as to allow American labor jobs to leave the country; ever since Obama's government bailouts for corporations that were "too big to fail," ever since the Supreme Court's 2010 "Citizens United" decision that declared money to be an expression of free speech; ever since Trump's alliances with and allegiances to Vladimir Putin and the world's billionaire class, the American people have fallen deeper and deeper into the control (enslavement) of the 0.01%.
Soft-parenting is a very natural outcome of the neuroses accrued by the effete, powerless, self-obsessed, addicted consumer slaves of the past 60 years. How soft-parenting is beginning to backfire on the 0.01% is in the form of youth who see the ills of society and their parents and who, then, choose to counter- or under-mine the established patterns by A) not falling into the corporate consumer-dependent culture, B) choosing to avoid debt; C) choosing to avoid responsibility and materialistic greed, D) choosing to live "below the radar" of corporate lure.
The Coronavirus Pandemic taught workers and consumers worldwide just what is important and what is not, resulting in many hard working souls dropping out of their line of work in lieu of easier, more home-bound, and less workplace centric working conditions. The re-alignment of life priorities priorities has yet to exhibit its effect on capitalism and the economy, but the 60-year trend of infantilizing our children so that they can become submissive consumers has led to such social psychology maladies as Borderline Personality Disorder, the "me-generation" providing a breeding ground narcissistic personality disorders as well as America as a "Borderline society." We've managed to create new hyper-dependent generations that not only refuse to grow up, but that refuse to accept responsibility ("can't make decisions" for themselves), learning how to become masters of manipulation in order to perpetuate their avoidance and dependence. And now the underlying endemic that really reared its ugly head since the Coronavirus Pandemic has resulted in blisters of phenomena like the Hikikomori, parasitic children, patra-dependency, despondancy, codependent v. detachment, as well as the total rejection of capitalist work ethics. What's next?
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