Ownership and possession are illusory concepts that are intended to help remind Spirits in the Material World of the exact opposite: detachment.
A person can only own or possess a "thing" (another illusory concept of Our own creation) as far as he or she can take it with him or her into the "next world." The same goes for human-manufactured entities such as "nations" or "corporations" (which, in and of itself, is an interesting corruption of the potentiality for truth in language as "corporations"--which contains the root word "corpus" meaning "body"--have no bodies) as they can, in truth, own or possess nothing (without forceful policing) as they can most certainly not take any thing with them when the pass. For example, what possessions can "nations" such as Babylonia, Nubia, Phrygia, Atlantis, Carthage, Phoenicia, Scythia, Pandya, Mohenja-Daro, Harappa, Zhou, Han, Qin, Anasazi, Inca, Aztec, Byzantium, Ottoman Empire or even Swabia, Burgundy, Savoie, Liguria, Catalan, Yugoslovia, Siam, Prussia, Biafra, Tibet, Mongolia, or The Soviet Union still claim to possess? These nations (as well as the billions of humans who lived in their eras of governance) are dead, nonexistent (except in historical recreation) and cannot possess, manipulate or protect their material (or intellectual) "possessions."
Thus, Russia or China cannot "steal" a possession of any other country insofar as no other country (or person) can own or possess a thing. Heck! The "thing" itself is unpossessable as it is a construct, a fabrication, a make-believe item that comes from a certain reality that a majority of us choose to share, buy into, succumb to. So let go of elections and leaders, drones and submarines, information and ideas, lives and constructs as they are all illusional creations of our own Collective Mind. Use things to remind you of the nothing that you take with you when you die, use ideas as a reminder of the mercurial creative power alive within each and every mind, use beliefs as reminders of the systems of understanding we had as infants, as members of pre-Columbian tribes, as Romans or Druids or Israelites, as Spirits beyond the Material World, and use biological life as a reminder of impermanence and entertainment while preparing for a return to a multi-dimensional realities in which the Soul can never die.
Detach from labels and labeling, detach from concepts of possession and ownership, detach from beliefs in right or wrong, detach from valuing one thing as "better" than another, detach from misleading concepts such as life and death, pain and suffering, yours and mine.
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