Saturday, March 8, 2025

Where is science's proof?

 . . . of the existence and makeup of matter?

 . . . of the existence and makeup of energy?

 . . . of the speed of light?

 . . . of the Earth and Sun being only 12,000 years old?

 . . . that "reality" exists?

 . . . that I exist? Because je pense?

 . . . that thoughts are real? Where is the empirical proof?

 . . . that thoughts aren't real? 

 . . . that matter is real?

 . . . that gravity and unconditional love aren't two names for the same thing?  

 . . . that thought, thoughts, and consciousness don't create matter? 

 . . . that reality would exist if there were no one there to view/experience it?

 . . . of "dark" energy?

 . . . of "dark" matter?

 . . . of infinity?

 . . . that there is no Universal (or Cosmic) Life Force?

 . . . that the universe has an end/limits/boundaries?

 . . . thoughts and consciousness don't create form?

 . . . that thoughts don't have form?

 . . . the soul doesn't exist?

 . . . of location and locality?

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

How does science explain . . .

 . . . the pre-existence of the universe?

 . . . human consciousness?

 . . . how light is both a particle and a "packet" of energy?

 . . . how the pyramids were built?

 . . . how Machu Picchu was built?

 . . . why the pyramids were built?

 . . . thoughts?

 . . . love?

 . . . energy?

 . . . miracles?

 . . . the dismantling of "irrefutable laws"?

 . . . need?

 . . . desire?

 . . . preference?

 . . . the origin of thoughts?

 . . . emotion?

 . . . intuition?

 . . . synchronicity?

 . . . imagination?

 . . . dreams?

 . . . language?

 . . . memory?

 . . . the Copernican solar system?

 . . . the speed of light?

 . . . how "physical" "reality" is possible when space is 99.99999% "empty" space and 0.000001% energy--when matter does not, in fact, "physically" exist? (What does "empty" mean?)

 . . . numinosity?

the stories from near-death experiences?

the reasons humans value oral tradition?

 . . . why homo sapiens sapiens and its genetic lineage are the only viable options for the creation of human history? 

 . . . why suicide is a less-condoned option to sacrificing/casting off/discarding one's commitment to one's own human life than soldiering or police corps, farming, commercial fishing, or working in a mine or in the forestry/logging industry? 

 . . . morals and morality?

 . . . objectivity versus subjectivity?

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Debt is the ingenious means to the creation and perpetuation of a new form of slavery

Debt is the ingenious means to the creation and perpetuation of a new form of slavery. With capitalism's perpetual dependence on ever-increasing inflation (and with it, a continual slide in the devaluation of money) you are intended to always feel the pressure to earn more, work harder, have to spend more and, thus, use more and more credit (loans and credit cards), otherwise you can never "compete" with your neighbors and friends in the race to accumulate the most toys, take the more exotic trips, play hard with your debt-accruing vacations and parties and accumulation of tools of comfort and ease. Whereas the bondage of previous forms of slavery might include literal forms of chains, open oppression and torture, and prison-like conditions of depravity, in the new society each American has been allowed to share in the toys and comforts and games of modern convenience but only at the price of becoming indentured to the chains of the threat of penalty, legal action, and/or jail time for paying off the debts one accrues in order to live this high life. How many of you can honestly say that you can wake up and decide that you're not going to work today, just because you feel like it, without feeling the tremendous guilt and pressure of job security, income deficiency, and worry about one's inability to pay the bills awaiting your regular payment? If you can, then I count you as one of the lucky minority. The rest of us have to remain ever vigilant to each months bills, each year's taxes, each hunger pang and doctor or dentist visit, each whimsical "need" you want to satisfy according to the way you are conditioned as a good consumer-capitalist.

Sunday, January 19, 2025


How can we ever hope to place our life-giving biosphere before our own greed, comforts, and addictions if/when we can't even honor our Mother with a designation connoting respect and honor. We capitalize all other names--even the names of storms and hurricanes as well as those of mountains and oceans--but we can't even humble ourselves for fear of feeling the shame of admitting to our place within the Circle of Life by capitalizing the name of the Mother of us all:  Earth. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

This or That with No In-Between: The Binary World of Absolutes We've Been Herded into

Ones and zeroes. This and that. Here and there. Mine and theirs. Us versus them. Nationalism. Religion. I have to admit to feeling a bit disappointed at the insidious sway of "black and white" thinking to which our American population is succumbing. Absolutes are very hard to come by as most everything is on a spectrum, yet the number of people who have been brainwashed into thinking in terms of "one or the other" with no in-between is truly alarming. But, then, the creation of this Game of Earth-based of Human Existence has set in motion some amazingly inventive means to ever-deepening the deprivations we can experience through the use of the Illusions of Cosmic Creation and the infinitely variable perceptions of "reality." I thought addictions were a great addition to the game's strategic bag of tricks but the expansion of consciousness and understanding of psychology of the Ego and its resultant refuge in the growing lists of "mental health" dis-eases and issues has been nothing short of remarkable. 

The success of depraved tactics like these have made me bored and disgusted with the Earth-based Human game--which is why I shall be leaving soon . . . and not returning. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

A "Kid-Free Zone"

What if we could create a haven, a "place" in time--a Kid-Free Time Zone--in which we did not have to be, or feel responsible for, our adult children? What would be wrong if we tried to recreate those spaces of time that existed before the introduction of the cordless phone, before the advent of email, before the hostile takeover of the smart phone, before the invention of electricity and/or the telephone itself! What if we could declare sacred a time period in which our dependencies from and to our poorly adulting children could be suspended, in which we could feel free, if only temporarily, from the instantaneous demands (perceived as "needs") of our less-than-thriving children. What might that do for our own personal sanity?
     Taking care of oneself with some undisrupted "me-time" certainly couldn't be a bad thing. What if you had a job that discouraged--or even prohibited--personal calls (and texts!) or cell phone use during work hours? Why not create a similar kind of bubble or "time zone" in you life, say, weekly, or, (why not?) daily? It might be the best thing you could do for A) your child's skills of autonomy and self-reliance and/or B) your own psycho-spiritual health. Co-dependency is hell!
     You can prep your kids by saying to them, "You will survive. And, if you don't then, so be it: We're all on the same relentless and inexorable trajectory with death. Besides, even if Your human bodymind is unable to figure out how to survive this crisis, You will survive. The real You will just retreat to that Place of Origin that you imagine, and the rest of the world will go on."

So, why not do your self a favor!